Happy Spring!

Season changes are a wondrous thing to behold. Best of all, in my opinion, is spring time. Particularly so in the Northern hemisphere where winters are dreary, grey and you can’t remember the last time you felt actual warmth from the actual sun on your skin.

I’ve spent the last four months in Vancouver which is a beautiful place surrounded by mountains, big trees, beaches and more. However, I am not good at winter. For a few days I’m all in. Enjoying the long cold nights as a perfect excuse to crank up the fireplace and read for hours, getting all rugged up for hikes in the cool fresh air, feeling excited about the prospect of snow. However, pretty soon the winter novelty fades, the vitamin D deficiency sets in and the longing for authentic warmth and the feeling of freedom the warmer seasons bring get’s real.

Spring time represents new beginnings. Just like the cherry blossom which bursts to life from what days prior was just barren branches. This to me is an inspiring reminder that we too can use spring as a time to burst fourth, feeling fresh and awakened. Maybe even taking on some big changes or beginning some new endeavour we may have dreamed up during one of those endless winter nights.


Couple portraits


Instructional illustrations for Well Kept